I love puppy dogs

Monday, February 27, 2006


So...that relaxed and wonderful feeling of the weekend is gone. It is no more. I am feeling pressures for school, trip to Honduras. I'm really sad about leaving Tom when I'm in Honduras. I'm feeling scattered and spread. I am tempted to call my manager and tell her that although I am scheduled to work friday, if it is a light day- to put me on call...I have so much to do... I have done so much already- which is great- it is just the rest of this stuff that is worrying me now... I need to pack. I need to go to the store to be able to pack everyting. I have lots of mtgs and obligations this wknd. I need to do my stats final which would take a really long time or not too bad. I need to finish my 912 and 915 papers (almost done). It'll happen. I know it will. First and foremost, however, I need to take care of myself physically and I need to take care of my relationship with Tom...I know that I am leaning on him right now and probably seem needy... Sigh...

Off to class...

Great weekend!

I had a wonderful weekend this past weekend. Tom and I went to his extended family's cabin in a place in Ohio called Apple Valley. Sort of an interesting location. Lots of houses plopped down like a development, but landscaping of rolling hills, water, golf course, etc. It was nice- when in the cabin and walking in the woods it felt like we really got away!

The cabin was nice- Susan and John went out of their way to make us comfortable. Pool table, air hockey, pin ball, TVs, tons of great food, etc. Lots of fun laughing and dancing and playing games! What could be better?

I ate a lot of food this weekend...but didn't gain. I maintained my weight from last week- so this week I need to get back to swimming and concentrate on my food intake more- I did pretty well this week- maintaining is not bad at all...especially since I am toning.

This week will be busy. I would rather have stayed in bed this AM...couldn't happen. The morning came whether I was ready or not! :-)

Friday, February 24, 2006

<2 weeks!

Wow...in less than 2 weeks I'll be in Honduras... that's a crazy thought! Not only will it be very far away from Central Ohio- it'll be ~100 degrees every day, I won't be with the people I love and I'll be doing very different things that I do in Columbus. I am looking forward to the learning growing experience- but have tons to do before then! Yikes! It'll get done.

I just finished my stats homework- last thing for that class is a final project that will get distributed next week... Check! One class done. 900 is done. Check! 912 will be done next week. 915 is nearly done. Whew... I think I can do this!

I'm excited about tonight. Tom said that he made dinner reservations- I dont' know where or for what. Sounds good to me though! I can't believe how much in LOVE I AM!

Last night I went with Tom to his church's youth group- I got to work with the girls. Kind of fun. Talked about boy-girl differences, societal pressures, how to resist, what we are REALLY striving for, how to help our friends, how to be honest with ourselves, etc. It was fun. I think they responded well to me- it'd be cool if I could go again when I dont' have to go to choir.

I'm ready for spring- that is one thing I do know! The best part about Honduras is that when I come back it will be nearly spring! Yeah!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Chugging along...

Well, my 900 final is done, 915 is nearly done and so is 912. I get some stats projects each of the next two weeks- things are under control. I feel good today- better than yesterday- in fact I feel great! Life is wonderful! :-)

Things are chugging along...kind of like the little engine that could...as long as I keep telling myself I can get it all done (and other people tell me too) it will get all done. Yeah!

Cool side-note...Tom and I were matched on E-harmony long before either of us were ready for each other. It took time, some living and Match.com to bring us together. How cool is that? :-)

Monday, February 20, 2006

How nice...

I'm working on a paper for my psychobiobehavioral determinants of health status course...yeah- exciting! Mouthful anyway! It is going well- very similar paper to one I wrote last quarter- that means that I can use a lot of my same writing over. Saves time and energy! :-) I'm looking forward to March when i get a break for sure...
It's Monday again- I can't believe the week has started already. I wish I had today off- seems like the weekend went really quickly. It was fun- but meetings all day Saturday do not contribute well to relaxation.

I'm getting nervous about getting everything done before Honduras. I'm all paid up and have brought in my suitcase- but haven't finished my finals yet...and I have more stats projects coming up. Yikes! I need a couple good hours to just write...or maybe a couple days on the beach just relaxing and not worrying about writing a paper or two or five.

I am ready for the cold to be done and spring to be here...This seems like a gloomy blog- doesn't it? Am I complaining? Maybe just wishin'. Mom and Dad come back from Puerto Rico today- they had an interesting trip to say the least. Oh well.

Anyhow- I need to get back upstairs to my next class.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

So, we've decided to join a new small group- it is time-limited. Only 6 weeks I think. The topic is Faith and American Politics. I think it'll be pretty interesting and give us topics of conversation. I'm looking forward to it a lot.

Happy Birthday to Tom! :-)
Today is starting off REALLY well- I feel so good today! Tom opened his birthday presents this morning and he likes them- he is happy. That makes me happy! I don't think he had any idea about what I was getting him and that makes it even better. :-) I got to sing first thing this morning too...woo-hoo!

I put together dinner for tonight and it is in teh fridge- I only have to pop it in the oven when I get home...what could be easier than that? I hope it tastes good...it should...we'll see though! :-)

this morning I met with Dr. Binkley in Means Hall. He's the P.I. for my grant for the summer- really nice guy. Reminds me of my dad. He was interested in what I do- what I like- why the research topic I have... I got to teach him about midwives. Good conversation- He's going to be one of those people that it is good to have contact with. I feel like he'll be able to get me places I need to go...yeah! :-)

The rest of the day should be good- I'm going to work on a paper now, meet with Barb Cz. at 11 and then have class/lab this afternoon. Then...Tom comes over tonight for a happy birthday day! :-)
Happy Birthday to Tom today! Yeah! What a great day- it's his birthday! :-)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My parents are flying to Rincon, Puerto Rico today. I would SOOOO LOVE to go there right now! My parents live in Maine- so the weather is really cold and dark in teh winter. They need the beach more than I do- but it would be great to go with them. They are going down with my grandparents who have been there for 5 weeks or so already. How lovely. Sandy beaches, salty breezy air, waves crashing...ahhh...

Perhaps another year. :-)

I'm sleepy today. Tom and I had a great Valentine's day- we didn't get to see each other until late- Tom had class. I went swimming while he was in class- felt good. Tom brought me purple tulips (my favorite) and some other cool flowers with glitter on them. :-) He gave me the present he had worked on- beautiful beach scene at either sunrise or sunset. The sky is purple and the purple is reflected in teh water- gorgeous. I love it so much -so cool that somebody could paint like that while thinking of me. I am so blessed.

I had my stats exam yesterday- not terrible. I think I did ok on it- we'll see when grades are posted- but I"m not worried. Not cocky- but not worried. :-)

I am off to class now- I am just reflecting on how settled I feel- not anxious, worried or nervous. I am happy. I feel loved. I feel needed.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Rita got her ring last night- she is so happy. Thrilled actually. It is a platinum band with a .9 carot diamond in a simple setting from Tiffany. The story to her ring is interesting... I'm happy for her. :-)
Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is a busy day- almost too busy. I feel like things are under control- but that I just have a lot of things on my plate. Not too much- just more than I'd like. Class was good this morning- interesting. Talked with one of my profs about research grant she submitted and the tips she has for us with regards to submitting successful grant proposals... Good info.

I can't believe I"m going to Honduras in less than one month- crazy! Met with the leader of the trip to discuss things today including supplies, etc. I have so much to do before then...it will get done...it will get done...it will get done...

But, back to the first line of this post. it is Valentine's Day. Yeah! This is my most greatest Valentine's day ever because of you-know-who. Never before have I felt so wonderful, so loved and appreciated, understood and respected. Everybody should get to experience this feeling...

Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm going to Munroe Falls today- yeah! Sure, the name doesn't sound like all that spectacular of a place, but it really is fun to go there. I get to hang out with Tom's family. This weekend is especially great because we are celebrating THREE birthdays on one day! That's right. Tom, his mother Carol and his grandfather Grandpa Thomas were all born on February 16. Hard to believe, I know. It'll be fun and hopefully relaxing. :-)

Today has been a relaxing day for me in general. I slept in (8:30!!!). Spent some time on teh computer, cleaned up, bought groceries and made chocolate chip cookies. My mom gave me her secrets- but I don't think she really follows the recipe on the the Toll House bag... her's always come out different. I bet she doesn't even know what she is doing differently- I'd have to watch her intently to know. Oh well- I think these will be appreciated. ;-)

I'm now settling down to studying before we leave this afternoon. What could be finer? You're right...not having to study would be much better!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Crock pots are a great thing. They make your meal while you sleep or at work. Last night we put a chicken in teh crock with some onion, garlic and pepper. Upon waking this morning, the apartment smelled like chicken- it tasted great. How easy is that? Everybody should have one!

American Idol

What do I think about American Idol? I like when the talented singers get a chance to strut their stuff and get recognized. I don't like when singers with less talent are made fun of or teased. Some come in with little self-confidence to begin with...the show just completely takes it away. Honestly, after you have been made fun of for singing poorly on national television, do you think those folks will continue singing- even in teh church choir? Likely not! That's too bad...perhaps singing was a good stress-reliever for them. Yeah, they might not be a superstar, but they are happy...why shatter them? Why not let them down gently? I guess that wouldn't get good reviews...
I was sick yesterday...I hate being sick. I rarely get sick- so when I do, I think that I can still carry on with my normal activities and obligations... I am not a very good patient- probably because I am a nurse...I think I know what I need to do for myself- even though that is very different than what I'd do for another person I was taking care of. So yeah... Tom tried to keep me home yesterday from the very beginning...it didn't work. I went in to school and class and felt really crummy...just bleh. Weak...couldn't eat...couldn't think... So...I skipped the afternoon class after getting handouts from the professor and went home to sleep. It felt good- although I was pretty chilly.

I had some wonderful company last night- made me feel much better. Really did.

Today? Much better. Feel completely different than yesterday. I think I just have too much on my plate. No good. Sometimes you have to take time to take care of yourself- that's hard to do when you feel like you will drop the ball on everybody else...at least for me.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Creative writing...expressing thoughts in written format... Hmmm... I am sure this post will vary greatly depending upon how much time Ihave or how stressed I am at the moment. Right now I am taking a night to chill- just waiting for my main squeeze to come home from class- I'm just relaxing and trying to keep warm. It is freezing...and I have a cold.

I'm a PhD student and sometimes feel like I am doing too much for a lot of people and not enough for me. I'm working on that. This is one of those steps.

Random comment: My advisor has a 2 year old black lab and a golden retriever puppy. She recently has decided she doesn't want the lab and seriously tried to pawn the dog off on me today. She made a mistake, however, because she first told me about how bad the dog is, how it runs away, is "cuss-headed" and tears up carpet. Hmmm...sounds like a dog I'd like to have around...Not!

so, we'll see how this blog works out- it might be a nice venue in which to express