I love puppy dogs

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is a busy day- almost too busy. I feel like things are under control- but that I just have a lot of things on my plate. Not too much- just more than I'd like. Class was good this morning- interesting. Talked with one of my profs about research grant she submitted and the tips she has for us with regards to submitting successful grant proposals... Good info.

I can't believe I"m going to Honduras in less than one month- crazy! Met with the leader of the trip to discuss things today including supplies, etc. I have so much to do before then...it will get done...it will get done...it will get done...

But, back to the first line of this post. it is Valentine's Day. Yeah! This is my most greatest Valentine's day ever because of you-know-who. Never before have I felt so wonderful, so loved and appreciated, understood and respected. Everybody should get to experience this feeling...


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