I love puppy dogs

Monday, February 20, 2006

It's Monday again- I can't believe the week has started already. I wish I had today off- seems like the weekend went really quickly. It was fun- but meetings all day Saturday do not contribute well to relaxation.

I'm getting nervous about getting everything done before Honduras. I'm all paid up and have brought in my suitcase- but haven't finished my finals yet...and I have more stats projects coming up. Yikes! I need a couple good hours to just write...or maybe a couple days on the beach just relaxing and not worrying about writing a paper or two or five.

I am ready for the cold to be done and spring to be here...This seems like a gloomy blog- doesn't it? Am I complaining? Maybe just wishin'. Mom and Dad come back from Puerto Rico today- they had an interesting trip to say the least. Oh well.

Anyhow- I need to get back upstairs to my next class.


  • At 3:50 PM, Blogger Tom Arbour said…

    Hey You,

    You can get things done! I know it.......just let me know what you need....And don't worry about me. I just want you to do well at what you are doing!

    Love Me!


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