I love puppy dogs

Monday, April 17, 2006


I can't believe this quarter is already in its 4th week! That means that next week I have papers due and midterms. Yikes! That's right...3 papers and one exam next week- I hope I can survive. I must start working on them now...

This past weekend was great- didn't feel like I was in school at all. Had a wonderful time with Tom's family- really felt like one of the crew. They welcomed me and I felt comfortable- like I really knew them well. That's a good feeling. I think Tom's dad is even warming up to me- maybe he realizes I'll be around for the duration. :-)

It is always hard to hop back on the merry-go-round when it is spinning- but I feel like that is what I did today. Try to jump on and catch up without falling off. Yikes! Back to work...


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