I love puppy dogs

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Interesting prospect...

With a closed door, a window is always opened. Ok...so...I applied for and was awarded a NIH training grant for clinical research this summer. Yeah! It has associated with it a stipend- double Yeah! I also have a graduate research associateship that requires 20 hours of work/ week and has a stipend attached. Things were looking like I'd earn two stipdends this summer...how cool would that be?! Unfortunately, it can't happen. Apparently, teh NIH grant is a full time gig and the GRA is a 1/2 time gig and the university computers fart when they try to make somebody a 1.5 position...that is- they don't want to "overextend" me. Whatever... So- after lots of phone calls and e-mails- that was finally figured out. So...that means one stipend this summer...:-( Door closed...

I went and talked to my boss, THE Nancy Ryan-Wenger, who is a great researcher and really well- respected. Anyway, she suggested that I not worry about the GRA this summer and only do the NIH thing and then write like crazy, trying to get articles published. Cool idea- especially since I'm on a "short list" for prospective faculty in teh future...open window! :-) Yeah! I'll do that for sure! I'd love to work here and if I am being hinted at that I shoudl publish this sumemr, you bet your bippy I'll be writing my hiney off! :-) It is also really cool that Nancy Ryan-Wenger said she wanted to work with me for a research residency- that is AWESOME!

God is so amazing. Last year at this time I was in Maine, working clinicals, staying up all night- thinking I had a sort of phone relationship with a loser back here in Columbus. That ended, I had a sumemr of hard work and despair, and then came back for the PhD after money miraculously appeared at my feet...Then, one week or so after starting the doctoral program, I met the man of my dreams and we are now talkinga bout getting married...even further, people keep talking to me about a job here when I am done. How am I so blessed? Faith...that is all there is to it.

So...that is my closed door, open window story. :-)


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