I love puppy dogs

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Creative writing...expressing thoughts in written format... Hmmm... I am sure this post will vary greatly depending upon how much time Ihave or how stressed I am at the moment. Right now I am taking a night to chill- just waiting for my main squeeze to come home from class- I'm just relaxing and trying to keep warm. It is freezing...and I have a cold.

I'm a PhD student and sometimes feel like I am doing too much for a lot of people and not enough for me. I'm working on that. This is one of those steps.

Random comment: My advisor has a 2 year old black lab and a golden retriever puppy. She recently has decided she doesn't want the lab and seriously tried to pawn the dog off on me today. She made a mistake, however, because she first told me about how bad the dog is, how it runs away, is "cuss-headed" and tears up carpet. Hmmm...sounds like a dog I'd like to have around...Not!

so, we'll see how this blog works out- it might be a nice venue in which to express


  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Tom Arbour said…

    Hey You....I liked what you wrote! Lets keep writing and reading each other's blogs! It is definitely fun and good and gives us insight into each other!

    I Love Puppy Dogs as well!



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