I love puppy dogs

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Been a while...


So it has been a while since my last post. During my disappearance I went to Honduras for a medical mission trip (amazing) and then came back and went with Tom and my parents to South Carolina. This was my third year going to Honduras- it was cool this year because people remembered me and knew that it was ok to come back to me. They also were doign their breast self-exams as I had taught each year...cool. Neat to know that what I am teaching is making a difference.

I missed Tom so much on my trip- it was unreal. I kept a journal and pictures with me each day- made the buttpack heavier, but that was ok. I needed him with me. It is great to be back. We all went to SC and saw my grandparents and hung with my folks. Relaxing. Incredible that we both fit on a twin bed the whole week- and were able to sleep! Now the king size bed just seems enourmous and a huge waste of space. :-)

I'm back in school this week...hard to get back into the swing of thigns. Sunday was incredibly relaxing and nice (except for the AM- but that's ok). Last night after class Tom came over and we went on a great walk, went to a coffee shop called Apropos where we'd gone on an early date and then came home for chicken noodle soup. Our GI systems are a little wacky right now- but nearing towards the right track.

Tom is my one an only. I love him so much. I can't imagine ever spending a day without him! He had a lonely time (I did too) when I was in Honduras. He got addicted to myspace.com. I've since found some H.S. friends on there- kind of neat.

Anyway- I have to go to a meeting about my research this summer. Things never seem to end- just keep rolling...that's ok I guess.

I'm looking forward to keeping up with this b/c right now I feel like I am just recalling events and not my feelings. Perhaps I'll relax a little later today.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006



In two days I am leaving for Choluteca, Honduras for my third year on a medical/nursing mission trip. I attend The Ohio STate University and we have traveled for the past 6 years to Honduras to work with Larry and Angie providing medical care and education to the people in Honduras. I always feel like the Lord blesses me in so many ways to be able to perform this ministry. I certainly return with more than I left.

Friday, March 03, 2006

How much...

How much can I really do or handle before things start to fall apart? I really feel like God is asking me to do a lot right now and I am using all my resources to do it. Grandpa Graham went into the hospital yesterday with a similar illness to the last time I drove to Manhattan to take care of him. I just spoke to him, however, and he seems to be doing pretty well. Grandma is doing a good job at humoring me and getting all my qeustions answered. It is so hard to be a nurse in the family- the only one- and not be able to run to the rescue. I have to have faith that the doctors and nurses will take care of him as well as I would. I wonder if I should go to Honduras- Grandma and Grandpa both want me to go- but if he isn't doing well I'm not sure that I can. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it...

My buddy Ellen wasn't doing well yesterday- she was sad about a break-up and overwhelmed with school. Yuck. It felt good to be there to support her.

I worked today with mommies and babies- good, but not what I planned to do. Now I'm at school and trying to work on stats. I haven't even showered today. Bleh!

I get to see Tommy as soon as I get this stats stuff done...so I better get to it! Pray for Grandpa. Let's get him home soon!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

And the beat goes on...

Yesterday was an exhausting day. No, I didn't run a marathon or even work out at all. I didn't work at the hospital and didn't work a night shift. I didn't do too many things differently than any other Tuesday this quarter. What was different was that my moods were all over the place. Up, down, stressed out, crying, upset, hurt, excitited, nervous, scared. You name it, I probably felt it yesterday. That is exhausting. Hormone stuff was a major culprit but also at fault was some tension over a trip to SC between Tom and I.

Today I feel much better. Tom and I talked again face to face last night and we've decided to go on the trip. It will be excellent- I'm really looking forward to going to the beach with him. A bonus will be seeing my grandparents and hanging with my parents. Doing what we want to do. I slept like a log last night. We were up ~4:30-5:30 because Tom couldn't sleep. He was upset about work and was feeling generally bad and sad. Not good. I really hope he has a good day today. I love him so much and only want him to be happy. I sincerely hope the root of the bad feeling this morning was not the SC trip. I am excited about the trip and think he is too.

Anyway- Today is hump day- thank goodness! Lots to do this week and before I go to Honduras. I am going to miss Tom so much it isn't even funny. not funny at all. I thikn tha twas part of the problem too yesterday- just being sad about missing him...I jsut need to enjoy our time together while we have it and look forward to the time when we get back.