I love puppy dogs

Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Fools Day

So, it is April 1. Last night Tom and I went to Rita and Brian's house. We had fun- Brian cooked a wonderful meal- filet, potatos, onion, bacon, blue cheese and spinach. mmmm... Rita made some Korean dumplings- :-) and for dessert we had some sorbet- mango. Great. Also some green tea soy icecream- not so great. tasted like soy milk. We had a great time though! Some red wine, great company, lots of laughs. Rita showed us the pictures from Taiwan. She looked like a princess.

This morning I woke to my loving honey right at my side. :-) After a lazy start, we got going, had some mango and watched a little TV. Now it is time for spring cleaning- I understand the urge. Sometimes you just have to clean- it just needs to get done. I think this is the first time I've seen Tom like this- I'll definitely support it! :-)

Tom told me the secret this morning- after figuring out that I can't handle secrets well at all...I can if I know when I'll find out... Anyway- the secret is that he loves me and wants to marry me. Then he said that "hopefully someday" I'd say yes to him...all he has to do is ask. Hopefully for me that someday will be closer than later to today. :-) I think someday sounds like it could be 1 year or 10 years away- I don't thikn I'd last that long! Yikes! I'd just burst!

I'm going to do some reading and then hopefully we'll go to Easton this afternoon. Trader Joes and Dicks at least. Who knows... Just chillin'


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